YouTube Literature Lovers – Classics and History Contemporary 3 Timeless Lessons on How to Write Your Own Essay

3 Timeless Lessons on How to Write Your Own Essay

3 Timeless Lessons on How to Write Your Own Essay

If you’re anything like me, you probably spend a lot of your time watching YouTube videos. In fact, I’d say that it’s probably one of my favorite pastimes. So when I came across a series of lectures by an English professor named Dr. Laura Miller on how to write your own essay, I knew that I had to watch them.

The first thing that Dr. Miller teaches in her series is the importance of starting with a thesis statement. This is the main idea or point that you’re trying to communicate in your essay, and it should be based on something that you know for sure. For example, if you’re writing about a book that you’ve read, your thesis statement might be something like “In Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice,’ Elizabeth Bennet is an intelligent woman who refuses to conform to society’s expectations.”

Another important lesson that Dr. Miller teaches in her series is the power of sentence structure. According to her, good sentence structure allows your readers to understand what you’re saying without having to read every word aloud or flip through the pages of your text like a dictionary. Instead, good sentence structure lets your readers “figure out” what’s going on without having to ask too many questions.

Finally, Dr. Miller teaches us how to use specific words and phrases effectively when writing our essays. For example, she says that we should always use concrete language when describing events or things happening in our lives

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How to Write a Great Essay

There are three timeless lessons on how to write a great essay that can help you in any academic setting, no matter your level of experience.


1. Start with an interesting idea. If your essay starts with a dull or uninteresting idea, it will be hard to get readers engaged and motivated to continue reading. Make sure that the premise of your essay is something that will grab readers’ attention, and make them want to learn more about it.


2. Craft an effective introduction. Your introduction should provide enough information about the topic so that readers can understand what you are discussing, and also whet their appetites for more by setting up some expectations about what they will learn in the body of the essay. Be sure to use phrases like “ In this essay we will explore ” or “In this essay we will consider ” to let readers know that they are about to embark on an exploration rather than simply reading facts or figures.


3. Use strong verbs and vivid language when writing about your topic. When you describe the actions or emotions of your characters, you give your reader a sense of immediacy and understanding that can make your arguments more persuasive. Be sure to use concrete images and examples when possible to illustrate points that you are making.

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In order to write an effective academic writing literature review, it is important to have a clear understanding of the following three principles: (1) read primary sources; (2) be well-organized and disciplined; and (3) use effective evidence.


To begin, it is important to read primary sources. This means examining the original texts that provide information relevant to your topic. It can be helpful to look at different versions of the same source in order to gain a more nuanced understanding of its content. Additionally, be sure to note any gaps or inconsistencies in the data you find. Finally, be organized and disciplined when drafting your essay. This means using clear, concise language and citing your sources appropriately. Additionally, use effective evidence when justifying your arguments. This can include citing specific examples from the source material as well as drawing on general scholarly knowledge.